Tag: Zelda Dungeon Talks

As with all great franchises The Legend of Zelda has many things that keep fans coming back time and time again, and one of the best things about the Zelda series is the cast of side-characters you meet along the way. Most of us could pretty easily pick out one or two of which could be classified as our favorites. But who are these characters really, and do we want to know about them? Where did their story truly begin…

There are countless unique and creative bosses in the Zelda franchise. Some of these bosses are giant pushovers, while others can be extremely challenging. Throughout the seventeen Zelda games currently out, the bosses vary in so many different ways. While some of them are similar or the same to previous bosses, a vast majority of them are original and use different ways to make them exciting and creative. For example, Skyward Sword made use of the 1:1 motion controls to make a…

Throughout the many games in the Zelda franchise we have seen many different versions of Hyrule. There are many changes throughout the world in the different games with some being set in a place completely different to Hyrule. In Link’s Awakening our hero traversed the mysterious island of Koholint on a quest to awaken the wind fish. In Oracle Of Ages and Oracle Of Seasons Link traveled through Labrynna and Holodrum respectively in order to reverse the chaos caused by Veran and General Onox. In Majora’s Mask Link ends up…

 The puzzles we get to solve in the Legend of Zelda franchise are unlike any puzzles we have ever seen. From the start of the game, all the way up until the very end these puzzles get progressively harder. Puzzles are there to make dungeons harder. They add a lot of challenge to what would normally be a simple task. Seeing a block right in front of an otherwise unreachable ledge wouldn’t be any fun, would it? Wouldn’t you rather have…

A couple weeks now after the re-release of the Link To The Past manga and now that we have had a chance to read it, some members of the Zelda Dungeon are ready to voice their opinions on the topic. The comic hasn’t been around in large numbers since the early 90’s, and now is a better time than ever for the younger or new fans of the series to get a good read out of it. In this week’s…

There has been a lot of talk about whether or not the Zelda formula is helping or hindering the growth of the series, but it’s indisputable that certain aspects are absolutely necessary for a game to be considered a Zelda game. Does the hero have to be part of a legendary prophesy? Would the games be the same if they were bereft of dungeons to explore and temples to overcome? How would the ambiance suffer if the games’ soundtracks weren’t…

One would think that the Master Sword as a weapon is the end-all-be-all of power, but this isn’t the case. In certain Zelda games there are additional swords that Link can acquire which deal more damage, without all of the sacred significance. In other games the Master Sword needs to be powered up throughout, meaning Link still has to scour Hyrule for the materials needed to forge a stronger blade. This begs the question, does the option to use other…

In a series that’s been running for as long as The Legend of Zelda has, there are always going to be some minor characters that end up swept by the way-side; but Zelda usually does a pretty good job of making its characters memorable. Despite the many enriching titles to chose from, a select few stood out in the minds of the Zelda Dungeon staff as exceptional utilizers of character development. Some games did a better job of developing our…

In most Zelda games, Link has a companion that accompanies him throughout the journey. These characters provide more characterization for our hero, usually doing all the talking for him and most closely interacting with him. These characters all play an important role in their respective games; whether it be Fi delivering messages, Navi and Tatl giving advice, or Proxi somewhat giving voice to Link in Hyrule Warriors. It’s generally known that some people despise Navi and Fi, but with that being…

Majora’s Mask 3D was released last week and a lot of people have had a chance to play the game. This new and improved 3DS version of the classic that was released back in April 2000 has a whole new rack of features and an enhanced gameplay experience. We are now three days out of its release so it’s time to start sharing our thoughts on the game. How is the gameplay? Any minor improvements you’ve discovered that weren’t revealed?…