Tag: Twitter

Lyndon Willoughby, a notable member of the popular fan campaign Operation Moonfall recently made a statement urging fans to keep an eye on the Operation Moonfall Twitter for some big news in the upcoming week regarding a new project. The upcoming plans are a secret right now but he did mention that apparently this upcoming announcement will include some of greatest artists in the world. Jump inside to check it out for yourself.

Nintendo of America has just announced earlier today that a new edition of Nintendo Direct will be streamed across the globe at 2pm PT/5pm ET on February 13th! Everyone’s favorite Nintendo presentation will be focusing on both Wii U and 3DS games and should prove to be an exciting entertainment show for gamers hoping to learn more about previously announced and entirely new games alike. Even a couple of upcoming Zelda titles for Wii U may be shown during this…

It is always great to see celebrities post on the web about their love for Zelda, and any other video game really, but what we tend to see very little of are such posts coming from sports players. Julian Vandervelde, offensive lineman for the Philadelphia Eagles in the NFL and self-proclaimed nerd, has tweeted an ever-so-popular Ocarina of Time joke, showing us that the stereotypical line between jocks and geeks is slowly fading away. Check out the tweet after the…

Miiverse has been a really cool social media app for Wii U and 3DS owners to interact with each other by sharing pictures and commenting on different titles via the use of designated game communities. The talent shown on Miiverse by users showcasing drawings from different Nintendo titles is incredible and its great to see the Nintendo gaming community bond with each other like never before. What’s even more exciting to notice is that Nintendo of Europe has announced via…

While the majority of the world has been playing Link’s latest handheld adventure, A Link Between Worlds, since late November, Japanese gamers have been desperately waiting to delve into the grand sequel to the SNES classic. Not released until December 26th, Japan went crazy for Zelda on launch week for the 3DS title with an outstanding amount of units sold and placing it firmly at number one on the video game charts. Would you like to know the exact figures…

Most of us probably have already picked up our copies of A Link Between Worlds, however just in case you haven’t, Newegg is offering it for a bit cheaper than normal. It’s only a few bucks, but it is still a sale. Hit the jump to see more!

I want to state from the outset this isn’t a “woe is us” type post, but rather an open discussion on the merits and downfalls of social media for a fan site such as ours. In fact, it’s not even ourselves that we feel bad for – we feel it worse for our fans, and secondly for any other up and coming fan site like ours as they try to make it in a social media online world that has slowly become less inviting for new players.

For those unaware, we have a handful of very pointed social media presences. By far our most popular presence is that of Facebook. Our Facebook page has 184,000+ likes at the time of this post. Next is the 17,000+ following us on Twitter, followed by 3,000+ on Google Plus (via our sister site, Gamnesia) and just over 1,000 on our brand new Tumblr page. It should be noted these are not the only available social media platforms out there. There is Instagram and raptr as well, just to name a couple.

We are all proud of our Zelda merchandise and maybe even put the time in to make something of our own, whether it be drawing a still of our favorite battle scene, embroidering a Zelda theme on a pillow or making our own Link cosplay outfits. There are some lucky people with fine skills who are able to make some of the best and most coveted pieces of fan material on the internet and one of those glorious creators is…

Following some gameplay video, NiNTENDOMiNATiON tweeted about the Wii U Virtual Console version of A Link to the Past. Apparently the game plays at 50Hz, which is a bit strange. It probably has something to do with the fact that this is the PAL version of A Link to the Past and because A Link to the Past came out in 1992. Hit the jump to see the tweet and for some more information!

The creator of Minecraft, Markus Persson, or “Notch” as he much more well known had a bit to say about A Link Between Worlds. Of course, as a video game developer Notch plays all kinds of video games, but rarely seems to talk about all the different kinds that he enjoys. When he does communicate, however, it usually is through Twitter. Well, today it’s no secret that Notch is a Zelda fan. Hit the jump to see the Tweet!