Tag: triforce

Some fans attempt to incorporate their passions into their lives as much as possible. While there are many different varieties, a Zelda fan named Soren has created his own unique Zelda inspired playing cards. Swapping Triforce for spades, arrows for clubs, and rupees for diamonds, this deck becomes quite a special collectible. Hit the jump to view this awesome item.

The Legend of Zelda is a video game series about a courageous hero named Link, a wise princess named Zelda, and their quest to save the land of Hyrule from the powerful wizard, Ganon. Central to the story of a typical Zelda game are two magical artifacts: the Triforce, three golden triangles that together grant the wish of whoever possesses it; and the Master Sword, a magical blade with the power to vanquish evil. Each piece of the Triforce corresponds to a particular virtue—the Triforce of Courage, the Triforce of Wisdom, and the Triforce of Power—and only a person who has all three virtues in harmony can wield the entire Triforce. In order to draw the Master Sword from its pedestal, at least in some of the blade’s appearances, three pendants are required: the Pendant of Courage, the Pendant of Power, and the Pendant of Wisdom.

This conception of harmonious balance amongst virtues is similar to Aristotle’s conception of virtue—make the jump to find out how!

The Legend of Zelda is a video game series about a courageous hero named Link, a wise princess named Zelda, and their quest to save the land of Hyrule from the powerful wizard, Ganon. Central to the story of a typical Zelda game is a magical artifact called the Triforce; three golden triangles that together grant the wish of whoever possesses it. Each piece of the Triforce corresponds to a particular virtue; the Triforce of Courage, the Triforce of Wisdom, and the Triforce of Power, and only one person with all three virtues can use its powers.

This conception of harmonious balance amongst virtues is similar to Aristotle’s conception of virtue. If you are virtuous, click the link to find out more!

Downloadable content is a great way to extend the gameplay of an already released title, and Nintendo has just released some DLC for Monster Hunter 4. Of course, as a Nintendo game, some crossovers to other franchises are welcome. The latest DLC features some Zelda content, and is appropriately titled The Legend of Zelda: Power, Wisdom and Courage. With all great things though, there’s a catch: it’s exclusive to 7-11 in Japan. Find out what the quest is about after the jump!

We have seen on several occasions that Nintendo like to give nods to various other franchises in games. Link’s Awakening had Chain Chomps from the Mario games in them, Kirby has met up with Samus from the Metroid series and that’s not even scratching the surface of some of the cross overs that have happened over the years. Game Theory even did a video where they showed most game universes were connected due to how many different cameos there were….

A lot of Zelda games have come out as of recent, and I have felt that I can’t become as connected to them as I have been able to in the past with previous games. So I replayed through every Zelda game in the series from The Legend of Zelda to A Link Between Worlds, looking for why I can’t connect to some Zelda games. And I finally found my answer after careful consideration of every aspect of the Zelda…

To celebrate my 50th post for the site, I decided I would revisit certain roots from when I first started writing for Zelda Dungeon: character analyses and editorials. So, I decided it would be worthwhile to talk about how we could see an old character in a new light: Ganondorf. While not as exhausted as his alter ego, Ganon, we have seen Ganondorf in several games, and in every case he is always seeking out the Triforce and trying to…

In a recent editorial, I theorized that the Dark Triforce might just be an idea, and if Lorule was specifically created to mirror Hyrule, then that idea is still valid. However, if Lorule is a completely new world in its own right, then the Dark Triforce would be a very real object. So if the Dark Triforce is a real object, what could this imply? Just as Lorule appears to be a dark reflection of Hyrule, could this mean that…