Tag: triforce

The three parts of the Triforce: Power, Wisdom, and Courage. In Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf gets the Triforce of Power, for Zelda, wisdom, and for Link, courage. Using the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf transformed into a horrible beast known as Ganon, but what exactly did the Triforces of Wisdom and Courage do for Zelda and Link? Did the parts help defeat Ganon? And who really defeated him? A Dorkly comic helps us figure that out. Hit the jump to read!

Welcome one and all once again to an installment of Zelda Artist Exposition. The editorial series where I feature a Zelda artist, usually found on deviantART, to whom I think recognition and praise should be given. These posts serve to expose the artist’s talent and to spread the love of art in general. As I have said before and will continue to say, if you have an artist that you think is worth featuring, please leave a comment. I mentioned…

Best of Redbubble Zelda

September 22 2013 by LukeSaturn

I am not sure how many of you already know about the art website Redbubble, but chances are a sizable amount of you do. It has gotten fairly popular and been featured and referenced on this website a number of times. I was hoping to do sort of a “Have you heard of this awesome website?” kind of post, but a fellow writer here on Zelda Dungeon, Alexander, already did that earlier this year. And he pretty much covered what…

One of the most common complaints levied at The Wind Waker is its late-game quest to gather the fragments of the Triforce of Courage. Even many supporters of the cel-shaded GameCube adventure  dislike  this portion of the game, calling it a poorly-paced, repetitive fetch quest. Aware of it’s critics, Nintendo had already stated that an overhaul of the hunt for the Triforce Shards would be a key change in The Wind Waker HD. Now we finally know how the quest…

The Zelda theorizing community is still trying to recover from Iwata’s shocking revelation of a new, fully-separate Triforce present in the upcoming The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. We discussed the possibility of such an idea having been present in previous games here, but now it’s time to delve a little deeper into this sudden mystery.

What exactly is the “Nega-Triforce”? Is it truly a different Triforce for a different world, fashioned by said world’s own variant of the three goddesses, or might it be something more sinister? If thematic points from previous games are to be taken into account, the evidence definitely points to the latter.

What evidence, you ask? Read on to find out!

A video game collective known as Attract Mode has released a Zelda themed shirt. The shirt is colored with the iconic Zelda gold and has a very complex design to it. It features the Triforce in all its glory with various designs seen throughout the series that represent each piece. Courage, Wisdom, and Power never looked better on this shirt! If  you’re interested in a better look at the shirt or purchasing one for yourself, be sure to hit the…

In the latest Nintendo Direct, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata dropped a veritable bombshell of thoroughly unexpected information: that a significant part of the upcoming 3DS title The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds‘ plot would revolve around a second Triforce. No, not a second Triforce in the sense of “the Triforce of Courage versus the Triforces of Power and Wisdom”, but a second whole Triforce comprised of three units.

Up until this reveal, most theorists and even casual fans made the connection that the “Dark Triforce” in the game’s logo was simply a neat artistic way to represent the game’s dichotomy between the Light World and Dark World, and how Link would travel between them. While that’s still a valid assumption, Iwata’s information puts a much more literal spin on the logo’s imagery.

What does this mean for the series as a whole – how will an additional Triforce (perhaps retroactively) affect the lore of the Zelda saga? How would a “Dark Triforce” even come to be in the first place? There’s no way we can know these answers until the game releases or Nintendo divulges further information, but there’s one question in particular that we can certainly dive into:

Might evidence for the “Nega-Triforce” have existed before our very eyes in previous games?

Read on for more!