MH4Downloadable content is a great way to extend the gameplay of an already released title, and Nintendo has just released some DLC for Monster Hunter 4. Of course, as a Nintendo game, some crossovers to other franchises are welcome. The latest DLC features some Zelda content, and is appropriately titled The Legend of Zelda: Power, Wisdom and Courage. With all great things though, there’s a catch: it’s exclusive to 7-11 in Japan.

Find out what the quest is about after the jump!

While I’ve never played any of the Monster Hunter games, after watching the video for this quest, I’m very intrigued by it. The only game I’ve played along these lines would be Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst but I haven’t played that for a long time and Monster Hunter 4 looks pretty cool so might have to check it out. I may have preferred it if it was on a console rather than the 3DS but I’m sure it’ll still be great.

The quest requires you to battle three creatures: Jinouga, Kirin, and Rajang. Each one represents the three aspects of the Triforce: power, wisdom, and courage. Defeating these creatures grants you the Triforce ticket which allows you to obtain armor from Zelda series. Of course, the challenge to obtain that ticket isn’t easily overcome:

The battles seem pretty difficult and it appears as though team work is important for success; that and being able to put the enemy to sleep! Even so, they seemed like challenging fights for anyone that doesn’t go in well prepared. Granted, the players in the video didn’t have too much trouble but they seemed to know the best tactic for taking each beast down.

The Kirin seemed like the hardest battle due to it’s quick movements and awesome looking lightening attacks but the other two appeared too large and bulky to require much strategy. It’s a shame the video ends before properly showing off the Zelda armor, however it looked great from the brief teaser at the end. I’ll be looking out for the video showing it off and pretty sure word will be spread once it’s uploaded.

What do you think of the quest? Is it just me, or does the Monster Hunter 4 logo look remarkably like the Triforce and loftwing symbol or is that just for these quests? Tell us all in the comments below.

Source: YouTube

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