Tag: Super Mario

Though we here at ZeldaDungeon obviously love Zelda, our passion is not confined merely within this great series. There’s always room for growth in anything, and Zelda is no exception. In this Thanksgiving Day installment of the ZD Top 5, we look at power-ups that have made appearances in other Nintendo titles that we think should be brought over to Hyrule.

Super Smash Bros., throughout it’s series history, has helped answered fans answer long debates with friends about which of their favorite Nintendo characters was tougher, but it seems YouTuber AndrewMFilms has taken a very different approach. Andrew has created a live-action fight video featuring Nintendo’s most famous princesses, Zelda and Peach, and the production value is quite high. Who will win? Check out the video after the jump to find out!

Hey there! Before I go on about the topic at hand, I just want to briefly summarise what’s going on. Due to the lack of news drafted and published by me, I have decided to do something different. Every Tuesday at 5:00pm GMT from now on, I will be making discussion posts about Zelda related topics, similar to what Barinade did quite a while back. It may be a topic already discussed about in the forums or it could be…

A few days ago we showed you guys a great Legend of Zelda themed Pacman game. A lot of you enjoyed it, so today I have another great crossover game to share with you. If you are familiar with Super Mario Bros. Crossover than you will be excited to know version 2.0 is now released. Super Mario Bros. Crossover 2.0 features several different Links from different games. The original 8 bit Link makes his appearance as well as Link from…

Zelda IS the Best

August 11 2010 by Legacy Staff

By now, I would have figured you would all think that Zelda is the best in your own opinions. However, you are all not alone. According to a GameFAQs poll, over 35 percent of the people that attend GameFAQs (which ranks 548 on Alexa) believe The Legend of Zelda to be the best Nintendo series, far surpassing the scores of Super Mario (around seventeen percent) and Pokemon (around eighteen percent). This makes things quite interesting, for a few months ago,…

The guys over at The Kartel have put together a list of their top 10 games from the 90’s that have aged quite well. Most of the games are from the Super Nintendo era and we even got one Zelda title on the list; A Link to the Past. This is what they had to say about the Zelda classic. This game perfected the dungeon-adventure-RPG formula. Taking lessons learned from its previous iterations and adding in new features and abilities…