Tag: review

I’m going to give a heads-up on this one: Unlike all of my other dungeon reviews, the subject of this one is the only dungeon in the entire Zelda series I think I truly hate. I wrote once before that I’ve never had fun with it at any point, so while I will try my hardest to look for good things in the City in the Sky, this review is going to be virtually entirely negative. This dungeon represents nothing…

If you’ve been reading Zelda Dungeon for the past few days, you’ll know that Alex at GenGAME has been playing through Darksiders II, which Mases has labeled as “the best Zelda game since Majora’s Mask.” And now that Alex has finished his play through, he seems to agree with that sentiment. All of the details are in his review, so hit the jump to read!

I’m finally kicking off this series with, of course, the first dungeon of Twilight Princess: The Forest Temple. Like the Woodfall Temple from Majora’s Mask, this dungeon is very basic in theme and has some challenging puzzle design instead of being a tutorial session. It’s not overly difficult, of course, but it definitely doesn’t waste time teaching you the game. And, unlike most first dungeons of the series, it manages to establish its own identity and style, forming its own…

This week’s Windmill Hut features a song many of us hold near and dear, the “Wind Waker Title Theme.” This band cover is by YouTuber Tilusankari, combining different types of guitar, drums, and keyboard to create a brilliant masterpiece. Jump on in to pay homage to this amazing artist and song.

Marking the start of a new series at our sister site, GenGAME, Twilight Princess is posthumously  tested against its pre-release hype and how it stands within the library of Zelda games. The series, “Wii in Review” will tackle some popular Wii games now that the console’s six year life is coming to a close. The ultimate question in this review, however, is whether Twilight Princess was the legendary game that it should have been, or did its shortcomings prevent it from accomplishing…

Skyward Sword, the latest and allegedly greatest game of the long-running Zelda series. It’s been 25 years since the original Legend of Zelda came out and started one of gaming’s most crucial and popular series, and Nintendo intended to cap that anniversary with one of the most ambitious projects in Nintendo’s history. But how good is it really? This review might be a little overdue, now that I think about it. See, when I sat down to write this week’s…

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the latest addition to the legendary franchise and is widely considered to be one of its best games yet. Ever since its debut trailer at E3 2010, it’s been one of the most highly anticipated games in history. Fans were eager for a revolution in the series, and once the trailer was seen, many of us knew we had gotten what we asked for. During the wait, the hype for the game only…

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has been officially released for almost three weeks now. Since then, the game has become a best-seller for retailers worldwide and has received phenomenal reviews all around. This is the Zelda game fans have been waiting for since Nintendo first revealed that their new home console, the Wii, would use motion-based controls. Many loved the thought of Link swinging the iconic Master Sword as they swung the Wiimote, and this notion became the basis…

Sure, Skyward Sword has been out for over two weeks now, but reviews are still flowing in almost daily. While we haven’t been posting most post-release reviews, I decided to draft a news post for this one as it comes courtesy of ScrewAttack.com, one of the most post popular video game websites online. They ended up giving the game a 9.5 score and had lots of good things to say. They really enjoyed the graphical style, the storyline, and the…

We’ve seen dozens of reviews over the last few weeks, some coming from notable game magazines, others coming from big name websites, and some coming from peopled named Tom McShea. How about the Legend of Zelda community itself? We personally didn’t give out a review of the game because as hardcore Zelda fans, many of the staffers had such differing opinions over specific parts of the game that putting out a review under the Zelda Dungeon name seemed silly. I…