Tag: pokémon

Though we here at ZeldaDungeon obviously love Zelda, our passion is not confined merely within this great series. There’s always room for growth in anything, and Zelda is no exception. In this Thanksgiving Day installment of the ZD Top 5, we look at power-ups that have made appearances in other Nintendo titles that we think should be brought over to Hyrule.

Over the last few months, artist David Pilatowsky has been releasing a series of amazing watercolor artworks that combine Legend of Zelda characters and Pokémon. We’ve seen an array of different Pocket Monsters dressed up in Zelda attire; we’ve seen ones that take on the role of our favorite heroes and our favorite villains. This week, Pilatowsky released his fourth set of crossover art, this time bringing Pokémon into the world of Majora’s Mask

David Pilatowsky as taken Pokémon and recreated them as classic Zelda villains – a continuation of his Pokémon and Zelda crossover art series we posted about earlier this year. He features Agahnim, Ghirahim, Ganondorf, Vaati, and Zant – all masterfully crafted. Just like his original crossover art, I find this stuff to be stunning. While I am no longer an avid Pokémon player, I still understand (and know) all of the Pokémon used in the art.  Are you enjoying this crossover art as much as I am…

To say Zelda and Pokémon belong together might be a crazy notion, but when it comes to art they mix together quite well. In this case, artist David Pilatowsky has crafted masterful crossover artwork, all in a watercolor art style. We’ve featured some of this work over our social media outlets in the past, but he recently informed us of a second batch of art he just released. Given the sheer quality of this art, I felt inclined to share it in a more uniformed manner – why should only select people on social media get to enjoy…

With under two weeks until the Japanese release of the 3DS iteration, the news about the next Smash Bros. game has been nonstop. While this week’s heavy hitters on that front included a new character reveal and the return of a favorite of ours here at ZI, Famitsu has still been churning out news about the characters who have already been revealed. This week, we got four scans featuring the fighters from the Pokémon franchise, as well as a large number of the creatures who will be brought into the fray via the Poké Ball and Master Ball items…

The official website for Super Smash Bros. has been updated to give details on general items, Pokémon, and assist trophies in the newest entries. There’s a little new and old in every category, but we are going to take a look at everything that has been detailed on the website. For players who just enjoy Smash as a casual experience with friends, the items look promising as far as creating a fun and fair experience. If you lean more on the competitive side however, you may or may not see these items depending on how you prefer to play. Either way, there are definitely some new tactics and strategies…

If you were lucky enough to attend the tour of Symphony of the Goddesses, I’m sure you can appreciate the novelty of hearing nostalgic tunes played live. I went to the San Francisco event back in March of 2012, and it was a night I’ll never forget. The fans, the atmosphere, the sheer joy of being with people who love the things that you do. It’s a magical experience, a labor of love, and an homage to The Legend of Zelda.

Now, the producers behind Symphony of the Goddesses are tackling another Nintendo franchise. Pokémon: Symphonic Evolutions begins touring later this year, featuring tons of remastered tracks from the

Pokémon franchise. The tour will premiere in Washington D.C. on August 15th, and will travel to Philadelphia on September 19th. More locations will be announced soon, so make sure you stay tuned to this event if you love Pokémon.

Will you be attending Symphonic Evolutions? Sound off in the comments!


While it has nothing to do with the Legend of Zelda, last Saturday marked the release of Pokemon X and Pokemon Y for the Nintendo 3DS. Over at our sister website, Pokemon Dungeon, we have just recently launched our Pokemon X Walkthrough and our Pokemon Y Walkthrough. Our guide for the games is currently a work in progress and we’ll be updating it over the course of the next few weeks. If Pokemon is your cup of tea and you…

One cannot underestimate the importance of music in games. Music helps shape environments, enhances emotions and atmosphere, and provides welcome relief to sections of games which would be otherwise ultimately meaningless without it. The entire tone and feel of a game can be changed through the music, as can the perceptions of the elements of the game itself. Music can be seen as just as an integral part of experiencing a game as the gameplay, characters and plot, so it’s…

Every gamer who lived through the ’90s should remember one thing: top-down perspective (or overhead view). This pervaded many games throughout the history of video games such as Pokemon, SimCity, Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, and of course the early Zelda games such as the original game and Oracle of Seasons/Ages. But how well would these games fare in 3D? Hit the jump to find out!