Tag: Guide

Work on our Skyward Sword Walkthrough has been progressing quite nicely the last few days. Today I have finished updating Chapters 5-8 of the Walkthrough, improving them so that this is now a 100% guide. While we have had a complete guide with screenshots for the main quest, we haven’t had all the side quests in there just yet. I’ve been adding all the Goddess Cube locations, the Gratitude Crystals, and the Pieces of Heart that Link collects as he…

Work on our Skyward Sword Walkthrough has been progressing quite nicely. Over the last few days I’ve gone back and updated the first four chapters of the guide. This is now my third time through the guide and I’m adding additional screenshots, moving things around a bit, and updating some text. Most importantly though, I’m improving the guide to include all the side quests and optional material, making it a 100% Skyward Sword Walkthrough. As of now, we have the…

We’ve updated our Skyward Sword Walkthrough and it now has near complete screenshots for all 18 chapters. I say near complete since it’s not completely done just yet. One of the next steps in the process is to go through and add all the optional quests into the walkthrough. This includes the sidequests to collect all the Skyward Sword Heart Pieces, Skyward Sword Goddess Cubes, Skyward Sword Gratitude Crystals, and other optional material. Once all these goodies are added textually,…

It’s not too often that CNN is the source of Zelda news, but it is even more rare to see a blind gamer with the ability to make his way through the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. A recent report at CNN shows that Jordan Verner, a blind gamer from Ontario Canada has done just that. With the help of three die hard Zelda fans guiding him literally every step of the way, Jordan was able to take down…

After what seems like forever, work on the Adventure of Link Video Walkthrough has resumed. The entire video has been recorded already, but I am in the process of finishing up some of the audio commentary for the rest of the chapters. I will be uploading daily videos over at our YouTube channel from now until the completion of the guide in a couple weeks. Chapter 1 of the video walkthrough is now online and it is broken up into…