Tag: Facebook

It brings me great pleasure in saying that the Zelda Dungeon Facebook Page has hit 2000 fans! (Argh… I mean Likes). It took us nearly 10 months to get our first 1000 likes, but only three months to get our second 1000 likes. A big thanks goes out to Joseph, our Facebook Coordinator, who handles most the posts over at Facebook, including the posting of news, cool pictures and videos, and various discussion topics. If you aren’t a liker of…

I’m happy to announce that the Zelda Dungeon Facebook account has now hit 1000 fans! We founded the facebook site page on April 13th of 2009, but for most of the time, it just sat around with not much activity happening on a day to day basis. Awhile back we started posting our site news updates at the account and more recently we hired our newest staff member Joseph, to help coordinate the Facebook page. The results have been very…

For those of you who are Facebook fanatics, I’m sure you have heard of the well known application known as Farmville, whether you wanted to or not. The basis of the game is that you build your farm, harvest crops, raise animals, gain experience, and do a whole bunch of other seemingly pointless things, but for whatever reason it is incredibly addicting. When anything gets popular, your bound to branch off just a bit, and it seems that Farmville has…