Facebook: One Thousand Strong


I’m happy to announce that the Zelda Dungeon Facebook account has now hit 1000 fans! We founded the facebook site page on April 13th of 2009, but for most of the time, it just sat around with not much activity happening on a day to day basis. Awhile back we started posting our site news updates at the account and more recently we hired our newest staff member Joseph, to help coordinate the Facebook page. The results have been very impressive, with nearly 100 new fans in the past week! Joseph updates the facebook page several times a day, posting cool videos, images, or raising various questions related to the Zelda series. It really is a heck of a lot more interactive now and a great place to get involved.

If you have a facebook account, why not head on over to the Zelda Dungeon Facebook Page and become a fan today! Join us on our march to hit the 2000 fan mark. In addition to fun games and site updates, it is also the best place to find out what is going on when the site is undergoing maintenance updates and appears offline. Thanks again and we look forward to making our facebook page even more exciting.

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