Tag: Beast

So this video is about things I liked about Twilight Princess. Yes, finally! For all the times I’ve complained about the game and nitpicked it, they really are only nitpickings. The overall game is still excellent, way above the grade of most video games. I’ve only been holding it to ridiculous “Zelda standards”. So this video is dedicated to what I loved about Twilight Princess, and it’s one hell of a list. From the introduction of the game to the…

You’ve just journeyed through a difficult dungeon, exploring every nook and cranny and fighting evil monsters along the way. You’ve spent your time battling fierce opponents and solving puzzles, and you’ve finally gotten the Big Key. You open the final door. Then something big appears. Something really big. Real FRICKEN’ big! You prepare for an intense fight against the big boss and whip out the weapon you found in the dungeon. Three blows into the battle… He’s dead. Wow, really?…

Mailbag time guys! In #028 I’ve got 10 questions, a good mix as usual. Including such topics as whether or not Zelda would be a good series without Link, what role the Sheikah could play in Skyward Sword, specifics about the controls and game-play of Ocarina of Time 3D, and what villain might replace Ganon in Skyward Sword. Enjoy! Questions and Timestamps: (00:09) – How many bottles would you like to have in Skyward Sword? (00:23) – If Link wasn’t…

Zelda Enemies is back! 15 enemies, this time covering most of the first game’s roster. The exact enemies re-enacted are a surprise. You’ll just have to watch the video! Zelda Enemies should be a somewhat regular thing, with a new Enemies video every once and a while. Some difficulty with this one. Not sure if you can tell or not, but a lot of these enemies are more physically demanding to imitate. I also needed a helper for some of…

It’s a fairly common debate these days in the Zelda Community: Should Zelda be linear or open? I’ve talked about it before, and I think I’ve made my stance very clear: A non-linear, branching game is best. I’ve mostly received agreement. People agree that is no reason why an adventure title like Zelda should be restricted. Why should I have to follow a very linear path, from Point A to Point B in a strict order, when I’m playing a…

Got Mailbag #027 for you guys! I like to call this the Sheikbag, because I got 2 questions about Sheik, plus I mention Sheik a lot in my answer to another question. 10 questions, a few about Sheik and Skyward Sword, plus a few Ocarina of Time 3D ones. Enjoy everyone! Questions and timestamps: (00:11) – Will we only be able to play Ocarina of Time 3D on the 3DS? (00:25) – Would you like to see new intelligent races…

This video is about bottles! Yeah, I know, sounds silly. Well as you can see from the subtitle, there’s a more important point I get to. You should watch it anyway, even if you have doubts, haha! I like bottles a lot, but there’s a game design aspect relating to them and RPG games that I wanted to talk about. Hey, see if you can guess the music playing! What do you guys think of the video? Do you like…

Mailbag time, everyone! Curiosity Shop #026, and we’ve got a lot of Skyward Sword questions, as well as a fair amount about Ocarina of Time 3D. Little odd, we’ve had some pretty broad mailbags for a while now. Anyway, got 11 questions for you, so enjoy! Questions and timestamps: (00:14) – What got you into Zelda? And which was your first Zelda game? (01:32) – How can the Happy Mask Salesman and Skull Kid in MM be the same ones…

So here it is, finally! My comparison of Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. Which one has the best design? Which one has the best ideas? Best story? Best dungeons? And which one is the best overall? I give you my thoughts. While not necessary to watch to fully understand this video, you might be interested in watching my Impressions videos for both Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. But enough about mine. What are yours? What did you think of the…

Link is the mighty and courageous hero. Many different Links have risen to the challenge of defeating Ganon and a multitude of other evils. Selfless heroes who save the world and are remembered for all time. But why? Obviously Link has a strong sense of justice, and he cannot stand by while the world is overrun by evil forces. The player is motivated to save the world because he or she wants to experience the game. But don’t you think…