Tag: 64

This time the mailbag is special… but not really. I have decided to call this mailbag the “FireBag” in honor of me receiving the same question about Volvagia an incredible number of times this week! I answered one of the copies of it for the first question. Lots of other good questions, though. 10 questions in all, covering Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, Link’s Awakening, and even broader questions that cover the series as a whole as well as its…

Alrighty, guys! Unlucky #13! Weird stuff might happen this time because of the unlucky number. Wonder what, though? And hey, 13 questions! Most I’ve ever answered! About half the questions are Zelda Wii related, which should be a relief to those who didn’t like the Zelda Wii focus last week. Enjoy! Questions and their timestamps: (00:19) – Do you think Twilight Princess’ bosses were big to hide how easy they were? (01:15) – What do you think of the original…

Got a new discussion video for you guys! This time I’m going to talk about the two darkest games in the series, Majora’s Mask and Twilight Princess, and explain why I think Twilight Princess is a darker game than Majora’s Mask. I know a few of you are a little sick of hearing me complain about Twilight Princess. I’m not complaining here. While I do think how dark the game was ended up being one of it’s weaker aspects, that’s…

Hey there guys! Mailbag time! Got a bunch of questions, most of them discussing points from various games in the series, including the upcoming Zelda Wii. Here are the questions and their timestamps: (00:06) – What do you think of Link being older in Zelda Wii? (02:17) – Shouldn’t there only be one timeline after the events of Ocarina of Time? (03:40) – What do you think of the idea of the Temple of the Ocean King/Tower of Spirits in…