Stunning Zelda art for sale at 3NES

kuxlargeSome of the greatest forms of art are often times video game fan art, especially art inspired from The Legend of Zelda series. This stunning piece on the left along with several others will be displayed in the upcoming 3NES exhibit this Friday amongst  many more Nintendo fan art interpretations from Mario to Metroid and plenty more, these artists will be displaying their works of art in hopes of winning an NES with a couple of classic games. Sounds like a fair trade, and quite a competition.

Hit the jump to see the rest!

If you’re in the area, the 3NES Show will be held on September 6th through September 22nd at the Bottleneck Art Gallery in New York. There you can browse through the gallery of numerous variations of Nintendo art, and if you find something you really want hanging on your wall, you can go ahead and buy it. Or if you’re interested, you can check out the live online sale that beginning on September 7th 12pm EST. Below are several great examples of the art to be displayed and for sale at the event. Simple yet striking in color and detail, here’s a look some of the Zelda variations that will be at 3NES.

kuxlargeGlen Borgan

 ku-xlargeAndrew Fourthwish

PrintJorsh Pena

ku-mediumRuss Moore

mku-xlargeLuke Butland

Although there are plenty more Zelda art pieces, prints and fan art out there especially on the web, its always nice getting to see some held at an event. What do you think of the Zelda art above? Zelda looks pretty cool taking down Ganondorf as do the Zelda inspired Matryoshka dolls, too bad there aren’t more. Anyway, let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Source: Kotaku

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