Skyward Sword In HD

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has received high praise from the majority of critics online, but the game does have some limitations. Many of these limitations aren’t with the game itself, but rather, with the hardware that it runs on. The Nintendo Wii simply does not have the capabilities of running a game in high definition and because of this some people think the game just falls short in the graphical department.

The Wii U is still months away and even when it does release, it won’t solve the problem of current Nintendo Wii games running in 480p. Fear not though as a solution has came out and what a perfect, beautiful solution it is!

While playing Skyward Sword, I was just amazed at how beautiful the game looked and the how the bright colors and catchy music matched perfectly with everyone’s personality on Skyloft. However, the one huge graphical problem was the occasional ugly jaggy edges all over the place. Things like a sword or pillar that were supposed to go straight up in the air looked like it bent three or four times before it came to an end. After several hours I was finally able to look passed the jagged edges and see how beautiful the game really was.

Many of us are aware of video game emulators and the one available for the Nintendo Wii is known as Dolphin. I personally never tried it with Skyward Sword, because I didn’t think an emulator could work with my Wii Motion Plus. Little did I know a newer revision has been released to fully incorporate Wii Motion Plus. That’s right, if your computer can handle it, you can play Skyward Sword in beautiful HD on an emulator. A new feature that I haven’t noticed on Dolphin before is that not only can you render GameCube and Wii games in 1080p, but you can render the inscreen graphics to over 2,000p. Even if your screen can’t go that high you can definitely tell the difference within the game. With virtually no jagged edges, you can play Skyward Sword and it looks almost like a prerendered cutscene. Check out the video below for an example.

Let us know what you think of playing Zelda in HD and how you feel about dolphin in general.

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