Skyward Sword DLC at Best Buy

screenshot0 First Club Nintendo; then Gamestop; then Amazon; and now Best Buy. Hyrule Warriors will be having all of its costume DLC split up to various retailers, including Best Buy, which has the Skyward Sword DLC costumes for Link and Zelda included with pre-orders.

Keep reading after the jump for more details.


From now until September 25, if you want the Skyward Sword DLC for Hyrule Warriors, you must preorder the game from Best Buy. The download codes will expire March 25, 2015, so you have plenty of time to save it as a gift if you wanted to. No information has come out saying if this deal applies for Europe as well. I would say no, since Nintendo of Europe is a separate division from Nintendo of America.

So it seems this game’s DLC is going to be split up now. The question is, will we be able to get these costumes after release? I’m at least hoping that these will be available from the e-Shop eventually. Perhaps this is Nintendo’s strategy; “You get your favorite DLC pack for free, but you have to purchase the other ones later.”

Also, what does this mean for the treasure box collectibles? Will they come to North America in some way? Perhaps through certain Club Nintendo deals? We shall have to wait and see when the time comes.

Leave your thoughts of this all in the comments section below.

Source: Best Buy