Link_Wind_Waker_11SethBling, the Minecraft community’s popular redstone expert, has created a makeshift spin attack in Minecraft. It uses potions of harming and command blocks in a neat way, and used alongside some other Zelda-specific moves, it could make an interesting addition to something like a custom map.

Watch the video after the jump!

It’s clear that this move could certainly use some work, but that is not really the point. The part of this that is worth noting is that it could be the start of more cool recreations of moves. It would be neat to see if moves like the the parry attack and helm splitter could also be remade in the future. Playing through a Zelda map with Zelda moves without any mods would be great.

What do you guys think? Should SethBling make more Zelda moves? Leave a comment!

Source: YouTube

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