In the past we have discussed the possibilities of Retro Studios working on a new Zelda game for the franchise and whether or not it would be a good idea. As it would seem, the more we time that passes, the more this is starting to become less of a “what if” and more of a “when will”. Recently a rumor has popped up around the net about Retro not only working on a new Zelda game, but a sequel to Skyward Sword.

Make the jump inside for all the details, but keep in mind, it is a rumor.

Retro is looking to recruit many new FX artists, specifically for 3D environments. They are looking for translators to better communicate with Nintendo. Now you may be thinking “how does this lead you to believe they are working on a Skyward Sword sequel?”. Well, the most compelling clue pulled from the translations is that they are wanting artists who have talent for hand painted textures. Also, it goes on to mention Skyward Sword and the Wii U, but the translations aren’t too clear on the details. You can check it out for yourself by following this here.

I’m not completely sure what to think of this rumor. Retro working on a Zelda game for the Wii U seems like it could be real, but I remember Miyamoto saying he wanted to have more control of the next Zelda game. Whether he meant for the Wii U or the 3DS is unclear though. It would be a huge risk to hand over the rights to the first official Wii U or 3DS Zelda title to another smaller part of Nintendo. I think this would be something Miyamoto and Aonuma would want to have control over, especially since they mentioned they still have some ideas left over from Skyward Sword they would like to use. Right now though, the only other game I can think of that has anything to do with paint is the Epic Mickey 2 game. Nintendo could just love the art style of Skyward Sword so much that they are wanting other games to be made in the same art style. It wouldn’t be the first time another game picked ideas from a Zelda title. Is Retro really working on Skyward Sword 2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: gamasutra

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