It took me more than fifty hours of playing Breath of the Wild before I made my way to Rito Village. Despite this long wait, the moment I stepped into Rito Village has become the single most powerful and joyful moment across my two-hundred total hours of adventure. As I stared up into the whimsical town, bustling with activity, one of the most beautiful songs sprung into life.

This acoustic guitar cover by Sam Griffin helps me remember and relive the beauty of Rito Village. It captures the tone of the song, which conveys relaxation, wonder, and a feeling of safety. It’s a simple arrangement with a single acoustic guitar, but it captures the soothing tone of the song. It’s perfect for relaxing after a long day at the job, or a long day fighting Ganon.

While part of the “Rito Village” song first appeared in The Wind Waker‘s “Dragon Roost Island”, the two songs are thematically different. “Dragon Roost Island” is much more energetic and adventurous, which is in contrast to the calming “Rito Village” from Breath of the Wild. It’s amazing that despite similar songs, the two places develop completely different identities with their music!

What do you think of this acoustic cover of “Rito Village”? Let us know in the comments below!

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