Colors 3D is one of the Nintendo 3DS’ most enjoyable applications as it allows its users to use their vivid imaginations to draw on their handheld’s touch screen just about anything possible. Quite a few talented artists have shown off their masterpieces and this particular one made by Lucsdf is a brilliant, realistic creation reminiscing Link looking out toward the beautiful Zora River.

If you’d like to take a better look at this amazing fan-art then hit the jump now!

Considering myself to be a completely awful artist with no talent at all, I am in absolute awe of this stunning painting. Link looks so detailed; especially the Hylian shield strapped to his back with its awesome design, and even Navi the fairy plays a part in the scene hovering around to the right side of Link. The whole landscape looks spectacular and the choice of color and tone help detail the scene greatly. I would never have guessed such a painting could be achieved on the 3DS if I had not known anything about the possibilities on Colors 3D.

This fan-art was originally designed by an art team known as The Zelda Project who design particular scenes as a part of their plan to create a future film short. Hopefully it can become a reality!

What do you think of this amazing Zelda fan-art? Do you know of any others that rival this one? Write down your thoughts and opinions below!

Source: DeviantArt (via GoNintendo)

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