Possibility of Another Symphony CD?

Recently the folks on Nintendo World Report had a chance to sit down with the producer and creative director of the Symphony of the Goddesses tour Jeron Moore. They discussed the production of the tour and the decision making process behind which songs would be included and which would be dropped. However near the end of the interview they made a quick mention that there might just be another CD soundtrack that includes songs that were not present on the one that was packaged with Skyward Sword last November.

Jump inside to see what he had to say.

TYP: Yeah, I was curious as to how you decided what songs to leave, what songs to trim out. It seemed like this was a little more well-rounded, lean-and-mean package compared to the 25th. So what work was done after the fact, looking at it to say, ‘how do we want to bring this for the masses?’

JM: To me, all these concerts are just a big celebration of, first and foremost, Zelda, but close behind, Koji Kondo’s work, and those of his team. And so those 25th anniversary concerts… those were really Kondo-san’s big celebration. And he had a very… he’s very involved in structuring that, and contributing a lot of the arrangements. We had half of the arrangements for the show belong to us, that we had developed for this show, and then he brought in the other half, which were all those arrangements that, you know, if you were there, you got to hear them.

And that’s how they wanted it, they wanted it to be, either you’re in Tokyo, you’re in Los Angeles, or you’re in London, and you’re lucky enough to be there, if you came all the way to see it, or happen to live in those cities. And it’s going to be a special thing that people will never experience again. But, the catch there is that they… the response was so great, and I think they knew how… I mean, they knew how much the fans love the franchise, and they wanted to keep it going. And so that’s where Symphony of the Goddesses sort of rolled in. And that allowed us to expand on our original vision, and tell the story that we wanted to tell. And as the huge Zelda nerds Chad and I are, we got to dig deep into the narrative and present it the way you heard it tonight.

Jonny: I did have one special request to ask you. At the end of this tour, will you release a new CD with all the new content that wasn’t on the Skyward Sword disc?

JM: All I can say is… that’s something that we’re working on at this time. Because the disc with Skyward Sword has been so close to release, Nintendo doesn’t want to move forward quite yet. But send them your request; I think they listen. So you bug them enough, maybe there will be something. I would love to do that.

You can read the complete interview here.

It was interesting hearing him describe why some songs were placed into the arrangement and some were not. I am normally interested in hearing why a director made decisions like this in most things. His answer about a new CD was a bit cryptic. He made a mention that it did not contain everything early on and talked about how the arrangement changed a few times during the course of the tour. I would like to see a more complete CD made for the symphony if that is the case. It would be nice to see something a bit more official than all the YouTube recordings that are around these days.

So what do you think? Do you think we will get another CD? Are you going to request it from Nintendo? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Nintendo World Rrport

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