Operation Moonfall Update!

For the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo remade The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time which has been picked by many to be not only their favorite game of the entire Zelda series, but their favorite game of all time. Shortly after the remake was announced fans started asking for other remakes of Zelda titles and one actually took root and grew a fan base which turned into Operation Moonfall.

Operation Moonfall is a campaign to bring Majora’s Mask to the 3DS. Shortly after the release of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, the producer of The Legend of Zelda, Eiji Aonuma, stated in an interview that a Majora’s Mask remake was “not an utter impossibility” as long as the fans showed enough interest. Within five days of the release of the Majora’s Mask 3D pertition, it reached 10,000 signatures and since has reached over an incredible 40,000. Nintendo has shown that they have been listening to fans more now than in the past, but is a MM remake really in our future. Jump inside to hear my thoughts on the subject!

Many things can be said to add to the negativity of Majora’s Mask 3D and Operation Moonfall. Some people think if Nintendo focused on another Zelda remake it would take away from time being used to release an entirely new Zelda game, that Majora’s Mask was already perfect and any attempts at making improvements would take away from the feelings they had for the game and if they started making another remake it would start a bad trend of remaking all of the old games.

I can agree with some of this. I definitely think Nintendo should focus more on creating new experiences for us instead of revamping old games we already own. With that said, I do believe Majora’s Mask does deserve a remake, but not every single Zelda title! I hear people all the time saying Twilight Princess or Wind Waker should be remade for the 3DS and I have to stop myself from having nose bleeds from the stupidity that was mentioned, but with Majora’s Mask it just makes sense to me. If creating a remake would take away from new Zelda projects wouldn’t Pikmin or Mario as well? Nintendo would not have to remake the game, just simply give the project to another team as they did with Donkey Kong, Metroid and even Zelda before. OoT 3D, TMC OoA and OoS all turned out great so why not?!

Shigeru Miyamoto has stated himself he would love to see a remake of A Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time on the Wii U instead of the 3DS. While I don’t know if he meant a full 3D remake of ALTTP or just making it the same 2D game with 3D for the 3ds I still think it would be nice to see both of these done. Now I think this is odd considering I can recall Miyamoto saying he wasn’t in favor of remaking a Zelda game at all, but playing ALTTP in a 3D world with 3DS or Wii U’s graphic capabilities would be impressive and it would give a chance to add on to or rewrite some of the canon story allowing better placement in the timeline. Since we know where Miyamoto’s priorities on remakes stand I think it will be a while before we get this remake!

This is where we come in. If you are in favor of the 3DS remake of Majora’s Mask follow this link to official site for more information on what you can do. If you feel a remake is unnecessary just don’t buy it. Why take it away from the people that do want it? If we get enough people interested in Operation Moonfall it is a possibility we can make this happen. With Ocarina of Time 3D being one of the highest selling games for the 3DS I am more than positive Majora’s Mask 3D would do just as well!

How do you feel about Operation Moonfall and its attempt to bring its attempt to bring Majora’s Mask to the 3DS? Would you see it as taking away from Nintendo’s development of new Zelda titles. Please tell us if you are for or against Operation Moonfall and all of your reasons in the comments below! If you are for it I incourage you to make your own YouTube video promoting it and ask you to please post about this or the official site via Facebook, Twitter or any other social networks you may be using! Remember to always check back for the constant Zelda updates coming in! Also don’t forget to check out our new Zelda Wiki and our Skyward Sword Walkthrough that Mases and everyone has been working hard on to provide you with the newest and most accurate Zelda news!

Related: Official Operation Moonfall
Related: Zelda Wiki Operation Moonfall
Related: Operation Moonfall on Facebook
Related: Operation Moonfall on Twitter

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Sorted Under: Majora's Mask, Zelda News