Navi___Hey_Listen_by_GENZOMANA YouTuber named Hextator has created some interesting Ocarina of Time hacks, and among them is a code that lets you run straight up to NPCs and strike them down. Whether that is cruel or fun is really up to the player. Hextator has made some videos demonstrating the results, so that you can decide for yourself whether it is a hack worth making.

Watch the gameplay videos after the jump.

By adding enemy hit boxes and damage-taking sounds to the people of Kokiri Forest and Kakariko Village, Link can be made into one seriously crazed killer. Honestly, it would be nice to lay the smack-down on Mido and those funny carpenters just for fun, and there are sure to be some annoying characters around the rest of Hyrule that would be great to take down, too. One can only hope Kaepora Gaebora is one of them.

What did you guys think? Is this hack hilarious, or terrifying? Leave a comment below!

Source: YouTube

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