Media and news outlet Bloomberg recently reported that Nintendo Switch development kits capable of 4K graphics have been sent by Nintendo to various game developers around the world, and furthermore speculated that a Switch model capable of supporting 4K graphics could be released by the end of next year. In a rare move by the company, Nintendo issued an official statement on their corporate Twitter account specifically refuting this report. Nintendo clearly states that the Bloomberg report “falsely claims that Nintendo is supplying tools to drive game development for a Nintendo Switch with 4K support” and that, “to ensure correct understanding among [their] investors and customers, [they] want to clarify that this report is not true.”

Citing “employees at 11 game companies” in possession of the “4K development kit for the Switch,” Bloomberg asserts that Nintendo “handed out the 4K kits to outside developers and asked them to design software to support the higher resolution.” The video game companies that have reportedly received 4K development kits expect to release their games “during or after the second half of next year,” which Bloomberg suggests is indicative of future 4K capabilities for the Nintendo Switch or a subsequent console release. Bloomberg’s sources themselves “declined to speculate on Nintendo’s plans for another console.”

At least for the foreseeable future, Nintendo’s open and honest refute of the report and subsequent speculation means that the Nintendo Switch will continue to run in 1080p and that the company has “no plans for any new model other than Nintendo Switch – OLED Model”, as was made clear in July and then again in this week’s statement. Additionally, Sarah Ross, spokesperson of Zynga, one of the companies Bloomberg claimed received a 4K development kit, issued a statement clarifying that Zynga “does not have a 4K developer kit from Nintendo.”

Previous reports by Bloomberg have added to the spreading rumors of a “Switch Pro” that has been in development since as early as 2020. In particular, Bloomberg claimed in March that a new Switch model would enter production in 2021, partly predicting the larger screen and higher price point of the Switch OLED model that was announced on July 6th, 2021. This week’s report asserts that Nintendo’s plans for a 4K-supported Switch were delayed due to technology constraints, production and shipment delays, and component shortages brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. But even with the Switch OLED releasing October 8th, 2021, Bloomberg continues to insist upon Nintendo’s inevitable advancement toward a 4K resolution, especially when taking into consideration the technology of Nintendo’s competitors.


What do you make of Nintendo’s statement? Do you think Nintendo can keep up with Sony and Microsoft without the 4K resolution? Should future Zelda games be in 4K? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Nintendo,

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