Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 11.21.34 PMThere has been so much new information coming out abut Twilight Princess HD as of late that I feel as if every few moments I am squealing like a child! This time the squeal came the moment I saw this new trailer uploaded onto the Nintendo Deutschland YouTube account. The new trailer shows off some pretty awesome things about the upcoming Twilight Princess HD. Not only do we get confirmation on the recent rumor about the Wolf Link amiibo unlocking a new dungeon (here called, the “Cave of Shadows”), we also see how Midna and Wolf Link will have to battle their way through enemies, as well as learn about what the other amiibo will offer our hero. Will your hand have the courage to seek power? Jump in past the break to find out!

What are your thoughts on this latest information? Do you like how they have incorporated other amiibo into the game? How do you think the Wolf Link amiibo will have to do with the upcoming Zelda U title? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: YouTube

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