th game play In one of Arekkz Gaming’s latest videos he has demonstrated some more Tri Force Heroes game play with friends. Hosting games is demonstrated and the video begins with them receiving the bow. They need to activate switches and platforms in high places and need to use the totem to access those high areas. The video is quite chaotic and full of the three friends having fun while exploring the landscape and going through through a boss battle. They fight an electric based ChuChu miniboss using arrows and gain some treasure by doing so. They later play with bombs which is quite dangerous for all of them. The video ends with them battling the boss Margoma which they defeat by stunning with bombs and then using the totem to reach its weak point to attack it.

Check out the video after the jump!

This video demonstrates how fun Tri Force Heroes is going to be with friends and shows how chaotic it will be (in a good way). The game looks like it is full of content and worth a few play throughs with friends to get faster completion times. I am very exited for this game and look forward to playing it with friends.

Are you exited for Tri Force Heroes and do you look forward to playing it with friends? Drop a comment sharing your thoughts.

Source: YouTube (via: GoNintendo)

Sorted Under: Tri Force Heroes