Lorule Castle guitar cover

Lorule-CastleYouTuber DSC has released a heavy metal style cover of the Lorule castle theme from A Link Between Worlds. The composer, who releases guitar video game renditions weekly has done numerous songs from Zelda titles and many other Nintendo titles. The Lorule Castle cover doesn’t fail at doing its job well, and instead creates a good take on the theme itself. So hit the jump and witness the cover for yourself!

Personally, I find the song to be a great track, recreating the vibe of danger present through out the dungeon. Here is what DSC had to say on the song

“Probably the most strangest rhythm I’ve worked with in a video game song. Really strange…Glad I pulled it off in the end.”

But let us know what you guys think about the cover! Love it? Hate it? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Youtube

Sorted Under: A Link Between Worlds