zelda-hwMany fans are already creating cosplays based the character designs of Hyrule Warriors due to its recent release. A costume designer by the name of Li Kovacs recreates an amazing depiction of the character Zelda from Hyrule Warriors. If you’re a fellow cosplayer or enjoy costume designs, this video will blow you away.

Hit the jump to take a look!

As stated in the video, Li enjoys constructing cosplays primarily from video games, anime, and movies that she enjoys. She was Screen Shot 2014-09-30 at 7.59.30 PMimpressed with the fact that developers gave Zelda a more prominent “fighting” design with armor while in battle.

She made everything from scratch, stating that it involves everything from molding to embroidery. She built the armor through 3D modeling, a complex system that is very time consuming. Li said that this costume is one of the more challenging and detailed projects that she completes, so it looks even more remarkable when finished. Some footage of her completed cosplay starts around 4:54 of the video. You can check out Li’s channel here for more videos!

What do you think of this cosplay? Have you ever cosplayed as character from the Zelda series? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: YouTube

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