Hey everybody. First of all I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Noah from LegendZelda.Net. I will be doing some news posts here on Zelda Dungeon every now and then as part of our sites partnership. If you have any questions about me feel free to ask in the comments.

Zelda Dungeon has a Skyward Sword Walkthrough being worked and a video guide is on its way as well. In the meantime, I have just completed Skyward Sword myself and have also begun to upload a Let’s Play to TheHiddenTriforce Youtube channel. Right now I will be updating with several videos a day. This is not a full 100% video guide and is in no way meant to be so. If you’d like to check out some gameplay or get some general help then our Skyward Sword LP should work out perfectly for you. You can see the first video of the Let’s Play after the jump.

We have the introduction video and our latest episode embedded down below. Each video also has a navigation link in the header so you can easily go from one video to the next.

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Sorted Under: Skyward Sword