Kikwi Miniature

Ever since I first met one of the new races created in Skyward Sword, the Kikwi, I always found myself humored by their actions and image, yet interested in finding out more about who they were and if they had any connection to races that came to be later on in the Zelda timeline. I think the concept that I most enjoyed about them though was the way they looked and were designed. This look, that I, and probably many other people have come to love, is shown really well in a Polymer Clay and Acrylic Painted Kikwi Miniature that was posted on Reddit and created by user XcissArt. The small statue has very nice detail, especially on the grass. Anyway’s, you can check out the post on Reddit here, or make the jump for some photos!



As was stated before, the artist designed this miniature statue using Polymer Clay and Acrylic Paint and, according to the comments of the post, took them only about a day. One thing I didn’t notice at first about the figurine is that the Kikwi’s hands are actually held up in a position that suggests it’s shielding itself from something. To me, this definitely exemplifies the characteristics of your typical Kikwi, such as how shy they can be and how scarred they are of anything foreign or unknown to them. Overall, I think that the design of the clay figure is rather impressive and makes for a great piece of fan art.

But what do you think? Do you like the design? Do you think that the Kikwi’s hand position represents some of it’s character traits seen in Skyward Sword? Leave us a comment and share your thoughts!

Sources: Reddit and Imgur

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