Joe Madureira, the creative director for the Darksiders games, has recently showed interest in working on a Legend of Zelda comic. With Madureira’s past experience as a comic book writer and his expressed enthusiasm for the Zelda series, it seems as it be a great idea for Nintendo to give him the opportunity to start this comic book series.

This wouldn’t be the first Nintendo has teamed up with a comic book series. Back in the early 90’s Nintendo had a deal with Valiant Comics, now known as Valiant Entertainment, Inc, which produced several Nintendo Titles in print form including Super Mario Bros., Metroid, and The Legend of Zelda.

Joe Madureira seems to be a perfect choice when it comes to making a Zelda comic series, so why hasn’t Nintendo taken him up on this offer yet? Maybe this question will have a more positive answer to it if Darksiders 2 ends up being a huge success. We can only hope for the best, but when it comes to Nintendo, they are always picky about handing out the rights to any of their franchises, especially with The Legend of Zelda.

I think Nintendo should at least give him a chance. Let him make a few chapters, if they like it, they should go with it and if they don’t than atleast he tried. I don’t see any harm in it and in the end, it could only benefit both Joe and Nintendo. I’m sure fans of both Zelda and Darksiders would love to have their own copies of the comic. How do you feel about it though? Do you think Nintendo should give him this opportunity or do you feel it would be a drag on the franchise?

Source: VG247

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