The Symphony of the Goddess Tour is now underway. After three events last year in Tokyo, Los Angeles, and London, the Zelda Symphony is now set on a year long tour across North America. The first event already took place on January 10th in Dallas, Texas, with future events scheduled throughout the year. Mike Damiani of Game Trailers recently got a chance to catch up with Jeron Moore, one of the concerts producers and you can see part of their interview below.

There were a lot of songs covered in the concert, but there were noticeable omissions like anything from Link’s Awakening. Will the upcoming 2012 tour cover a wider range of songs?

Jeron Moore: Absolutely. Expect to hear music from Majora’s Mask, Link’s Awakening and more as the show continues to evolve. It’s been designed to offer something new to repeat patrons… for instance, we’ll be in Vancouver on March 14th. The next time we’re in town, there will be marked differences in the program, so if you liked the show the first time, you won’t want to miss out on coming again. It’s important for us to keep fans engaged and surprised. I’m constantly browsing the forums, too – so keep shouting out your favorites. We’re listening!

What are your thoughts on the audience reactions during the performance in Los Angeles? Apparently Aonuma was disappointed by the US audience?

Jeron Moore: I’d rather not speak for Aonuma-san. I do believe he was disappointed that the US audience had posted YouTube videos from the Los Angeles performance, spoiling it for those in London that would experience it shortly thereafter. Aside from that, there’s the ever-present and polarizing argument from fans on how to behave during a symphonic performance (to yell or not to yell during a piece), but you can’t fault the audience for being excited. The concept of a Zelda concert is going to appeal to a lot of people, some of which have never been to an orchestral concert before. I was excited to see our audience in Dallas reserve their enthusiasm for between the pieces… it really allowed the audience to hear every nuance of the arrangements. Though when the 4th movement began, devoted to A Link to the Past, it admittedly got a little rowdy. I may have even screamed a bit (oops).

Be sure to head on over to Game Trailers to check out the full interview.

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