In a recent interview between Kyle Hilliard of Game Informer and the Hyrule Warriors producers, including Eiji Aonuma, the question of the game’s production time arose. According to the producers at Tecmo Koei, the game has only been in production for two years. Even Aonuma expressed how impressed he was with the speed that the team at Tecmo Koei was able to create such a project. Here’s a snippet from the interview.

How long has Hyrule Warriors been in development?

From the original concepts and the original discussions, the very start has probably been about two years; and then it’s probably been about a year and a half of actual development and working on the game.

That seems like a short development cycle for an HD Wii U game.

Tecmo Koei has released several Wii U titles already. We’re used to development on Wii U, so it wasn’t that much of a hurdle for us. We were able to focus just on making this game what it is, focusing on the Zelda elements and bringing those into a Dynasty Warriors-style game. It really wasn’t that hard.

[Eiji Aonuma] From where I sit as a member of Nintendo on the outside looking in, I am really impressed with how quickly the development process happens at Tecmo Koei.

So it would seem that Tecmo Koei is very comfortable with the Wii U, and, based on Aonuma’s response, it’s possible to say that we may see more collaborations from them coming sooner than later. As always, leave your thoughts and comments below.

Source: Game Informer

Sorted Under: Zelda News