hyrule-warriors-treasure-box-2__largeNow that Japan has recieved Hyrule Warriors, the Treasure Box pre-order sets are arriving to people’s homes. NintenDaan on YouTube has graciously made a video of him unboxing the set, giving us another close-up look at the items inside, and a peek inside some of the art book’s pages.

Check out the video after the jump!



It is still a real shame that we cannot get this set outside of Japan. Hopefully, some of the items show up on ebay and other such sites soon, becuase there are some very cool items in that box. The art book, especially, seems interesting. Not only does it look pretty think and packed with cool artwork, but I bet that it would look really good on anyone’s shelf, right next to Hyrule Historia.

Would you guys like any of the items in this set? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Source: YouTube

Sorted Under: Hyrule Warriors