Hyrule Warriors Pre-Order Exclusive: DLC Costume Pack
Posted on August 08 2014 by Brooke Ferdinansen
Nintendo recently announced in the Hyrule Warriors Nintendo Direct that there will be an exclusive pre-order bonus: a download code for a costume pack. There are three packs currently available, two of which are being offered by GameStop and Amazon.
Hit the jump for more details!
These costume packs will be available for players to download as the skin for their Hyrule Warriors character. GameStop is offering the Ocarina of Time costume pack, while Amazon provides the Twilight Princess pack. The retailer for the Skyward Sword pack is unlisted. It is presumed that Best Buy will be offering this, but there has been no word of confirmation yet.
This exclusive bonus is not confirmed for European audiences, but players are expecting it to be available for purchase in the Nintendo eShop after launch.
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Source: Nintendo Direct (via Nintendo Everything)