Hyrule Warriors Boxart Revealed

zeldatheaterthumbIn the recent overflow of information about Hyrule Warriors, Nintendo has revealed screenshots, characters, enemies, trailers and more, but we cannot forget about the first part of the final game that every fan will lay eyes on: the boxart. Nintendo showed fans the final cover for the game, and there are some familiar visuals present on the box, but one thing shown is intriguing. Check out the box after the jump!


As you can tell, there appears to be a new character shown. Whoever she is, she must be important. Why else would she be on the front of the box? She could be anything from a newly revealed playable fighter to a mere side character. Personally, I think she looks quite similar to human Pandora from Kid Icarus: Uprising, but unless Nintendo is planning to surprise the heck out of us and have that series crossover into the game as well, it is probably not her.

Who do you think this magical, blue-haired woman is? Leave a comment below!

Source: GenGAME

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