While in this drought of Breath of the Wild sequel news, fan projects can be an oasis for many Zelda fans. One project that has caught our eye here on Zelda Dungeon is Hyrule Apocrypha, a Zelda fan zine with a focus on expanding on canon lore to tell the “lost tales of Hyrule”!

As the overview of the zine states:

“Hyrule is full of unsolved mysteries and unanswered questions. There are battles and histories we’ve heard of but have never witnessed. Places that have been described, but not seen; heroes and villains alike whose deeds live on through folktale and bardsong, oft fading into obscurity while other legends take their place.

..But what if we could bring those stories to life?”

What if we can bring those stories to life? Well, it’d make for one epic zine, that’s for sure!

Right now the interest check for the zine is open, and you’ll have a chance to fill it out until August 8th, 2022. Afterwards, Mod applications will open from August 8th to the 22nd, followed by contributor applications from September 5th to October 3rd. You can check out the full schedule and dates here, which can be subject to change. This page also contains other information such as creator requirements and general info on the zine.

It’s worth noting that this zine will have more of a focus on writing, since it is lore-centric. There will be a decent amount of artists too, however. What’s cool is artists might be paired with writers to create a full-page cover illustration for a story, as well as spot art. The contributor application will gauge what lore period writers and artists want to focus on, and that will help them create pairings to begin collaborating. Artists who wish not to collaborate with a writer will have opportunities to create artworks in the likes of historical paintings, tapestries, maps, and stained glass windows. More types of creators, such as musicians, cosplayers, 3D sculptors, and chefs might be included, depending on the results of the interest check.


If you have the time and like the concept of this zine, definitely consider filling out the interest check! The carrd and the info Doc that were created for the zine are also really nice and are worth looking over! They feature amazing artwork by @soleil, decorations made by @ksenijahoshi, and layouts by @rachelsandene (Ooohhh Aaahhh)!

I am really excited for this zine! I remember when it was being planned initially months ago by Soleil, so it’s awesome to see the project finally lifting off! Are you looking forward to this zine? Will you try applying to it when creator applications open? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Hyrule Apocrypha Fic Zine

Featured Art by Rachel Sandene

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