Hyrule Warriors introduced a great new concept of having a large, optional mode that effected the main story, and offered loads of extra gameplay. This mode can easily give you as many hours of play as the main story, if not more. Should more Zelda games involve such a large game mode alongside the usual main story? Join the discussion after the jump!

Hyrule-Warriors-Adventure-Mode-MapAdventure Mode was, in my eyes, a brilliant idea. Not as much the actual execution, so much as the concept. The way you open panels in your own way and explore the classic world of The Legend of Zelda was all well and cool, but the idea that it can help you in the main story with unlockable weapons and power-ups is fantastic. Zelda games en masse seem to rely solely on main story, and while the stories are usually quite long and well-worth getting the game itself, it would be nice to have something alongside the campaign to go to for a change every now and then. And again, since it effects the way you play in the campaign, a second mode is definitely worth trying out in a main series game.

UntitledThe simple method of having certain missions to complete based on main story events and areas is clever, and while this may be harder to do in a large, open adventure like Zelda, it could work. For example, Twilight Princess had you fly up Zora’s River on a bird, and much later, when the twilight was lifted, Link had the chance to go back and play multiple minigames for extra rewards, based on points and performance. This seems like the kind of thing Adventure Mode does, taking a place that you have played in already, and having you complete a mission in a different way than you originally played through it. Really, minigames in general are a clear example that Nintendo would have no shortage of ideas for extra missions, so perhaps Adventure Mode could work again.

What do you guys think? Is the style that Adventure Mode took on worth revisiting in a main series title? Leave a comment below!

Sorted Under: Hyrule Warriors