Round 3 of G4’s Videogame Deathmatch: Best of 2011 is now underway. In this round the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is head to head with Batman: Arkham City. Just a recap, in Round 1 Skyward Sword beat Uncharted 3 with the score of 53%-47%. In Round 2, Skyward Sword beat Fifa 2012 by the margin of 79%-21%. Batman is a very strong opponent as Arkham City is a terrific game.

Skyward Sword needs your help! As of this posting, we are behind by the margin of 41%-59%. It’s a steep hill to climb but we faced similar odds during the first day of the poll when Skyward Sword was up against Uncharted 3. You can head on over to G4TV to Vote. You will either need to register at G4 or you can vote via a Facebook login. Let’s keep Skyward Sword alive in this years Videogame Deathmatch!

Source: G4TV

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