First 4 Figures, source of quality video game figurines, recently teased the upcoming release of a new Wind Waker Ganondorf figurine. While the photo provided only shows off the figure’s upper half, we can still get a good look at Ganondorf‘s menacing smile and the hilt of his sword.

Once released, the WW Ganondorf figurine will join First 4 Figures’ other Zelda inspired merchandise, such as a Twilight Princess Ganondorf and a Skyward Sword Link on Loftwing. Based on prices of figures already available at their site, the WW Ganondorf will most likely cost somewhere between $400 and $500 USD.

There is still no indication of when the Ganondorf figurine will be released. Needless to say, I’m excited to see what the whole thing will look like. I still want confirmation that he is holding a second sword, though I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t be. I will definitely be keeping my eyes out for this figure.

Source: First 4 Figures

Sorted Under: Zelda News