With all the focus on a true blue multiplayer component in a new Zelda game, it’s easy to forget that just because a game says it’s meant for a single player, it doesn’t have to be. There are some out there who remember, however, and two of these fans have created an outline for a multiplayer game of sorts in Skyward Sword.

Reddit user scootero1211x has put out instructions for a game he and a friend call “Thunder for Two”. As the name (and the picture above) suggests, the game is built around the lightning round boss rush mode accessed through the Thunder Dragon, Lanayru. As opposed to simply playing through all the bosses alone, their approach denotes point values for each of the twelve bosses, ranked by their chronological place in the story (e.g. First boss is worth 10 points, second is worth 20, etc.). The two players switch off between battles until one of them falls in battle and the points are put to a final tally.

While I’ve had plenty of fun simply playing through a Zelda game with a friend before, I like this idea as an alternative I can use with my more experienced and competitive friends. Additionally, I can easily see how one could add alternate rules or even use the Silent Realm Challenge instead.

If you’re interested in giving this a try, check out the Google doc using the source below, and let us know what you think! Have you ever created a multiplayer mode where there was none? Is a challenge like this what you’d like to see actually instilled in a future title? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Reddit (Google doc)

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