To say we at Zelda Informer are fairly shaken at the news of

Iwata’s passing is likely an understatement (just watch a very emotional Editor-in-Chief pay tribute). Another similar instance and feeling was when the world lost Robin Williams, another person with ties to the Zelda series, though from a completely different entertainment medium. Of course, both of these great men passed from this earth due to totally different reasons, but I feel like it’s important bringing Robin Williams up again because a new fan petition that has shown up is somewhat similar to another that showed up when Robin Williams left this life.

Fans are attempting to get Iwata immortalized in Zelda U in one way or another – be it a passage on a wall, a statue in the game world itself, or even having a character named after him. As I said before,

fans wanted something similar done for Robin Williams in this very same game and Nintendo responded in kind to the request, suggesting it is possible. It is just as possible it could happen in this game for Iwata too if enough fans feel it is appropriate.

One thing that makes me like this sort of immortalization over others who want an amiibo or even a Smash fighter of him is that both of those ultimately could mean “profiting” off someone’s death, where as an in game tribute is more so a remembrance and isn’t likely to impact sales at all. Of course, they could raise money for cancer research as well, but as a Zelda fan I would love to see a tribute to both of the aforementioned men in this game. You can

sign the petition for Iwata to be remembered in Zelda U here.

What do you think? Would you like a nod to him in the game?

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