I’m always excited when new takes on classic Zelda tunes are available. From the incredibly innovative, to the traditionally moving, to the headbanging rock, there is always somebody doing something awesome. This time, it’s the EDM crowd that get a chance to bang along. But it’s not just a single song. An entire album, compiled by the folks over at OverClocked Records and Materia Collective, brings the sounds and songs of Ocarina of Time to the dance floor in Club Ocarina.

The 12-track album features versions of all six temple warp songs, “Zelda’s Lullaby”, the “Song of Time”, and others. The record features almost a dozen different artists putting their musical skills on show as they turn the classic tunes into a non-stop modern party vibe that would even get Ganondorf goovin’.

The album is available at Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, and others. Click here for a list of all platforms hosting the album.

I traditionally appreciate the classical sounds of Zelda songs, but there is something undeniably fun and engaging about each of the songs on this album. Combined with the stunning cover art, it feels like Zelda meets Tron in the best ways possible. What about you? Will you be moving along with the tunes? Got a favorite track from it? Let us know in the comments below or chat about it over in our discord!

Source: Materia Collective

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