The post E3 interviews just keep rolling in, and with them we learn more and more about the creative process behind a lot of games. A recent interview with Eiji Aonuma, supervisor of Hyrule Warriors and producer of several other Zelda games, shows that he hopes that Hyrule Warriors can be an entry point to the series for many of those who’ve never played a Zelda game before.

Eiji Aonuma: Hyrule Warriors, for us is a celebration of Zelda and the workld of Zelda, and the entire universe of Zelda. We definitely want Zelda fans to enjoy the game for what it is – a celebration of the whole universe. But for people who aren’t familiar with the Zelda series, as well, this is an easy way to get into that universe and meet a lot of different characters, play with a lot of different characters from the series, and sort of get their feet wet in the series. I think the game is easy enough for people who are unfamiliar to pick it up and play and have fun with. We hope both Zelda fans and non-Zelda fans will check it out.

I’d also like to ask those fans of the Dynasty Warriors series to play this one as their entry point to The Legend of Zelda. Link Between Worlds is out. Maybe after playing Hyrule Warriros they will decide to go to the store and pick it up, because the Zelda games aren’t ones you have to play in any particular order.

Personally, I think it will work. The Zelda series has turned a lot of newcomers away because of the “sameness” that spans across many of the games. While I disagree with that—I think that every Zelda game has something that sets it apart from the others—I feel like Hyrule Warriors is going to be a breath of fresh air. And who knows? Maybe it’ll be just the excuse some people have been looking for to get into the series.

Source: Game Informer

Sorted Under: Zelda News