Did You Know Gaming? – Leftovers

Did You Know Gaming?In their series of video game leftovers, Did You Know Gaming examined some unused content from the Legend of Zelda series. Though an examination of the games’ files, content in magazines, and footage of the games before they were released, Did You Know Gaming can see what kind of stuff Nintendo had been planning for various games, but that didn’t end up going into the game. Interested? Hit the jump to watch the video!

I love trivia about everything, but especially about Zelda games. It’s really cool to see some of the thought process that went into making the games, especially that bit about maybe obtaining the Magic Mirror after giving an NPC a letter. It would make sense, considering that mechanic had already been employed in the first game.

What I’m interested to know about, though, is why all this content was left in the game’s code. And why does so much of it exist only in the Japanese version? How many interesting things exist only in the development of these games, and never made it into the final version, if only in the code?

What do you think about all this? Let us know in the comments!

Source: YouTube

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