Deku Shield Replica for Sale

Ex-walkthrough writer Brandikins is now selling these excellent replicas of a Deku Shield that he made himself. Made from four-layer pinewood, this shield is 16″ wide and 19″ long. It is currently selling for $59.99 and has a personalized handle (for the right or left hand), and your choice of a red or orange Kokiri symbol.

Once the shields are ordered they have to be made and then shipped, and are estimated to arrive in seven to thirteen days after you place your order. If you want a better look at the shield, check out the video after the jump.

Brandikins has made numerous other craft fan works like this shield before, so you know he has some experience. I think this shield is rather cool. I’m not generally a huge collector of these kinds of replicas, but if I had the money this is definitely something I might buy. As far as Kokiri Shields go, this one is rather nicely done. Fairly accurate, looks well-constructed. A solid piece of fan material and a solid product. Tell us what you think about the shield down in the comments!

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