There are many different races in the world of Hyrule and each has its own leader of sorts. Leadership brings great responsibility, and having the right skill set to help your people prosper is absolutely essential. But who is the best leader in the Zelda universe?

This will vary greatly from game to game, and sometimes we may make decisions on the hearsay of other characters. We could find ourselves swayed by how antagonistic they are towards Link. No leader gets everything right either, sometimes they have an appalling lack of judgement. It is intriguing to consider the actions leaders take for the benefit of their people and the consequences they bring.

Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule certainly has his heart in the right place – most of the time. In Breath of the Wild, he wants to protect his people by forming alliances with other races and excavating the Divine Beasts. He takes his role seriously and expects high standards of dedication from everyone around him. King Hyrule is a resourceful leader and can organize an army to get the job done.

Unfortunately, he did not consider that the Divine Beasts could be turned against him. Worst still, he got in the way of Zelda’s research of the Divine Beasts which could have found this fatal flaw! His tough stance on Zelda put the princess under a lot of pressure. This may or may not have delayed awakening her power, but it didn’t help. In the meantime, the whole of Hyrule suffered as a result.

So, who do you think is the best leader in the Zelda Universe? Do you have a soft spot for Hilda from A Link Between Worlds? Or perhaps the Rito Chieftain from The Wind Waker has your vote? Whatever your thoughts, remember to comment below!

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