Nintendo has a knack for subtly showing us the future in their Direct specials. A small glimpse of pixelated wonder in the distance, a new light on Link’s arm, an unknown weapon that blasts fire. Each morsel from the Breath of the Wild 2 trailers have helped to satisfy some of our growing cravings for this momentous game. However, one thing did catch me off guard recently upon reviewing the trailers, and that was Zelda falling.

The most recent trailer mentioned exploring the land and sky, and essentially hinted also at “more” places to explore. What could this “more” be? Could it be a deep and vast underground demonstrated in the first trailer where Link and Zelda first encounter the mysterious green glow? Will Breath of the Wild 2 let us explore vast dungeons and relics predating Hyrule and find where Zelda has fallen deep down?

What are your thoughts on the depths of Hyrule playing a part in the sequel to Breath of the Wild? Share your thoughts and insights below!

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