Randomizers have been breathing new life into Zelda games for a while now, giving seasoned players a chance to truly test their knowledge of the components of a Zelda game. It is one thing to know what has to happen during a regular run of a Zelda game, but when items are randomized, things get a bit more tricky. Different items can mean either leaping progress or something next to nothing and dungeons are often done either out of order or at the same time. It truly is a puzzle meant for Zelda fans to finish a randomized Zelda game. The question is, which Zelda game is the best to randomize?

Recently, I have been enjoying content creator rabbidluigi stream a Majora’s Mask randomizer on his twitch. Since I am new to randomizers but very familiar with Majora’s Mask, it has been entertaining watching progression be not as linear, especially for a game with so many moving parts such as masks, items, and side quests. Although I have only ever watched randomizers and never played them myself, I feel it adds an interesting variety to already near-perfect games and speaks to the long-lasting adaptability of Zelda games.

What do you think? What Zelda game is the best randomized? Is it your favorite Zelda game? If not, why don’t you like your favorite Zelda game as much randomized? Have you ever played a randomized game yourself? Let us know in the comments below!

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