Traditional quizzes can be fun, but often I haven’t got a Scooby Doo what half the answers are. I do know that Florence Nightingale had a pet owl and the capital of Japan is Tokyo, though! My favorite quiz was one at a gaming convention in London with picture rounds, sound bites and trivia about video games. At one point I had to sing Saria’s song to a team mate acapella (without music) which was a challenge! So, it got me thinking. If you were asked to create the ultimate Zelda quiz, which questions would really stump the opposition?

Who is Princess Zelda named after? How many gossip stones are in Ocarina of Time? What is the Chris Houlihan room and what message does it contain? Or perhaps you’d focus more on the history and designers of the games themselves? Maybe throw in a question about speed running records or unknown glitches? What style or sort of rounds would you like to see? Anything goes in this ultimate quiz!

If you fancy a warm up, try answering my questions without a Wiki. If you have a real humdinger of a question that will leave us scratching our heads, then share it in the comments below!


Featured image by ky-KAI

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